Our Mission
The Chicago Committee seeks racial and ethnic diversity in the legal profession by collaborating with its law firm and corporate membership to: drive sustainable institutional change at law firms and corporate legal departments; provide professional development; and cultivate the community of minority lawyers through programming and leadership opportunities.
We are a nonprofit, membership based organization founded in 1987 by ten minority lawyers. The organization was initially created to provide networking opportunities and support for minority lawyers in order to alleviate feelings of isolation at large law firms in the city. At its inception the organization focused on hosting an annual reception for lawyers and summer associates. However, in the past three decades, the organization has greatly expanded its scope, concentrating its efforts on providing substantive programming for its membership, their attorneys and the broader legal community.The Associate Board of Directors will host their annual Junior Associate Boot Camp. This one day event will include panel discussions with senior associates and partners from prominent...Read More
The Chicago Committee is pleased to announce that Rate My Pitch is proceeding for the eighth year in a row this Fall 2020. Rate My Pitch is a...Read More
The Chicago Committee hosted PracticePro’s Career Conference summer associates at member law firms. The day-long conference included panels and group sessions on how to thrive as a summer...Read More
The Associate Board annually presents a unique CLE program on a diversity and inclusion related, professional development topic.
The Chicago Committee will host CLEs presented by diverse attorneys for corporate legal departments, creating meaningful contract with in-house attorneys.

Pathway Partnership is an innovative, business development program for diverse, senior associate attorneys in law firms. The program is designed to help associates develop client relationships, making them more competitive candidates for law firm partnership.
Congratulations to our 2025 Associate Board Officers! Nas Hussain, Winston & Strawn LLP, was elected...Read More
The Chicago Committee on Minorities in Large Law Firms held its Annual Meeting at Benesch...Read More
The Chicago Committee on Minorities in Large Law Firms has added three new Board of...Read More
Congratulations, Jose Lopez!