Pathway to Partnership
Helping our associates develop key client relationships.
Pathway Partnership is an innovative, business development program for senior associate attorneys in law firms. The program is designed to help associates develop client relationships, making them more competitive candidates for law firm partnership. As companies and law firms look for ways to improve their talent pipeline in their organizations, the Pathway to Partnership Program provides a tangible way to create progress.

Through a rigorous application and interview process, the Chicago Committee and members of its Board of Directors selects talented, senior associates who are on track to make partner at their firms within one to three years.
The Chicago Committee selects a Board member to mentor each associate participant throughout the duration of the program. The Board member mentors the associate with respect to business relationship issues and soft skills.
The Chicago Committee’s Board of Directors contacts corporate clients who may be interested in participating in the program. Corporate clients must be willing and able to assign small matters to the associate participants. The goal is for corporate volunteers to begin to establish a relationship with new attorneys.
The Chicago Committee identifies a mentor from the associate’s law firm to serve as a mentor to the associate. The mentor operates as an intermediary who can assist the associate with substantive work issues. This may include overseeing the associate’s handling of the matter and work product.
The Chicago Committee makes pairings and coordinates meetings with Fellows and the corporate clients.
If you are interested in participating in the Pathway to Partnership Program as a corporate partner or associate attorney, or would like additional information, please contact the Chicago Committee’s Executive Director, Anna Lloyd:
- 312.578.5410
- [email protected]